Welcome to INSPIRE – the Interdisciplinary Southampton Partnership for Investigators Researching the Environment.
INSPIRE is no longer recruiting students – instead, please visit the website of the successor: IGNITE Doctoral Landscape Award, which is recruiting students now to begin in September 2025.
INSPIRE is equipping environmental scientists to excel in their chosen field, to thrive in interdisciplinary research teams, to apply cutting edge technology to environmental research, and to act as ambassadors of global environmental issues to industry and society.
We are training students in research, professional and transferable skills within world-leading research teams to enable them to develop as future leaders. The main scientific themes of INSPIRE are:
- Oceans and climate
- The dynamic Earth
- Interaction of organisms with the global environment.
About EDI
The INSPIRE DTP, the University of Southampton and NOCS are committed to promoting best practices for equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in all our activities, for our students, staff and supervisors, from recruitment through to graduation. We work closely with our DTP and other partners and across the University to monitor best practice and share experiences and expertise, aiming to create an inclusive research community, recognise structural barriers and privileges, and continuously improve equality and equity in all aspects of scientific research and education.